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Oncology & Cancer

New evidence casts doubt on a much-hyped blood test for early cancer detection

New evidence published by The BMJ today casts doubt on a much-hyped blood test for the NHS that promises to detect more than 50 types of cancer.

Oncology & Cancer

Radiotherapy benefits last a decade, breast cancer study reveals

Providing radiotherapy after surgery could prevent breast cancer from returning in the same place for up to 10 years, a long-term study suggests.

Medical research news

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Pesticide exposure linked to stillbirth risk in new study

Living less than about one-third of a mile from pesticide use prior to conception and during early pregnancy could increase the risk of stillbirths, according to new research led by researchers at the Mel and Enid Zuckerman ...


Electric bandage holds promise for treating chronic wounds

Researchers have developed an inexpensive bandage that uses an electric field to promote healing in chronic wounds. In animal testing, wounds that were treated with these electric bandages healed 30% faster than wounds treated ...


Gene therapy shows promise in glaucoma research

Pete Williams is one of few researchers in Sweden concentrating on glaucoma. The goal is an effective treatment, something that stops the degenerative process in the nerve cells of the eye.


Gene behind rare muscle disease discovered

Researchers at the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research and The University of Western Australia (UWA) have discovered the genetic cause of a rare muscle disease that causes muscle weakness, droopy eyelids and difficulty ...


In probing brain-behavior nexus, big datasets are better

When designing machine learning models, researchers first train the models to recognize data patterns and then test their effectiveness. But if the datasets used to train and test aren't sufficiently large, models may appear ...


DNA fragments help detect kidney organ rejection

Findings from a study published in Nature Medicine show that donor-derived cell-free DNA (dd-cfDNA), also called liquid biopsy, has the potential for early detection of kidney transplant rejection.


Asthma emergencies spike when allergenic pollen blooms

A new study that tracks how many asthma-related emergency room visits result from pollen in metropolitan areas across Central Texas highlights the importance of knowing local plants and the need for developing science-based ...

Biomedical technology

How supercharged silk could help heal the heart

UNSW researchers have developed a new microgel made of moth silk that is designed to assist with tissue regeneration and could help people recover from heart attacks.


Sport contributes to children's academic success

When they enroll their children in a sports activity, parents hope to see them develop skills to make them stronger and smarter. In sport, youngsters must successfully follow rules, hold back on their wants and needs, and ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Superbugs spread to family members of recently hospitalized patients

Family members of patients recently discharged from the hospital may have a higher risk of getting an antibiotic-resistant infection, often called a superbug, even if the patient was not diagnosed with the same infection, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Drug bypasses suppressive immune cells to unleash immunotherapy

By recruiting the immune system to combat tumor cells, immunotherapy has improved survival rates, offering hope to millions of cancer patients. However, only about one in five people responds favorably to these treatments.